
See what people are saying about iziKurls.

I have gotten so many great tips from Izikurls. She came to my rescue the day I went to get a major hair cut. She helped me when I had a break down right after I cut my hair. She was able to remind me to love my Kurls no matter the length. Thank you so much.


I started my natural hair journey about 2 years ago and was blessed to have Izikurls there to guide me every step of the way. From the moment I did my big chop until today, Izikurls has been my go-to person for tips and suggestions on how to style and maintain healthy strong beautiful natural hair. She is very knowledgeable, resourceful, patient, and super passionate when it comes to hair. Thanks for all your help girl!


“Great resource for folks trying to grow or maintain healthy natural locks. Every time I get lazy about my hair care, her videos and tips re-inspire me to “do better”. She is also always willing to brainstorm with me on my hair “issues” and make suggestions or let me know what works for her. What I like about her is that she doesn’t make stuff up if she isn’t sure nor does she give reviews that lack depth. She always keeps it real!”

Kemah D-M.

“Absolutely PERFECT. Absolutely valuable information.”

Eurykah N.

Izikurls came to the rescue on a good Sunday afternoon when I decided to chop my hair myself…It was thin and I was tired of looking at it lol! I sent a pic to Izikurls with so many questions about maintenance and with the fact that my hair wasn’t chopped properly…Izikurls decided to pay me a visit, just like that! mind you, she lives approximately 35 minutes away from me! She arrived at the house and started working her magic; she properly cut my hair, washed, conditioned, and styled it, while giving me advice…I didn’t even have to beg her to come to the house…she just came!! that’s how awesome and passionate she is!!!! Izikurls came to the rescue again this morning ( I know, i’m always in a dilemma) I braided my hair yesterday and posted a pic of my suffering edges on Snap chat…Izikurls saw the pic and without even hesitating, she started to give me advice on how to maintain my edges with my protective hairstyle…i mean the girl loves her craft lol I am thankful that she’s always available and ready to help in any way she can.”

Agnes A.

“Okay, I always wanted my hair to be long and slick, so i used to perm my hair until it almost fell off my head. Then I grew up!! lol I cut my hair short and began my natural hair journey, it was scary (personally). The adaptation was difficult at first. I felt like I had to Re-learn everything about my hair, the care etc… then I found IziKurls, she gave great advices and helped me with finding products that would work better for my hair. My hair has grown so much in year, it is so healthy , I am so glad I made the change. Izikurls videos and tips definitely made my natural hair journey easier!!!”

Voahirana M.